Wednesday, May 22, 2013

REFLECTION #3 - School Visits

Our Teaching Fellows are spending two days in local schools near San Jose, Costa Rica.  We are visiting Atenas Prescolar y Colina Azul and an INA seconday school on May 21 and Santa Fe Bilingual School on May 22.  The fellows will observe classrooms in the schools, interact with faculty and students, and teach lessons based on their major.  As these days conclude, the fellows will examine:

-how they felt prior to arriving at the schools; what did they expect to see when they arrived?
-how they felt teaching and/or interacting with the students.
-how they felt leaving the school visits; how did their lesson develop?  How were the students at the schools?  What did they learn about themselves during this experience?


  1. On the first day I was prepared to team teach with Donna about Culturally Diverse Friendships in the fourth grade. I expected the classes to be similar to North Carolina classrooms in size and structure. However, when we got there it was not what I had initially expected!! Dianna (the principal at Atenas Prescolar y Colina Azul) told me that I was assigned to kindergarten and that Donna was assigned to fourth grade so we weren't allowed to team teach. She said that both classes needed the lessons, though I think it could have been more flexible than she allowed. Donna and I had already thrown out the Study Place lesson plan and made two based on the Culturally Diverse Friendship plan. Since initially I had written the Study Place lesson plan and Donna had written the Culturally Diverse Friendships we switched grades. However, I had to completely write up a lesson plan from memory and wing it more than I expected! The classes at both schools were small (8-15 kids) and their classroom management was poor.

    During my lesson at the Atenas Prescolar y Colina Azul I taught about study places and what a study place should look like. All of the children participated and were very engaged. I would turn to write one of their suggestions on the board and turn around to see five more hands in the air! It was very exciting to see them so involved! After making the list they were instructed to draw their perfect study place that included the yes things and none of the no things. One girl even drew herself in the picture with a speech bubble that said "This is the perfect study place!". :) Then they were allowed to share their drawings if they wanted to and almost the whole class got up to share. The second day Donna and I team taught and I realized it is easier to teach alone. We still did a good job of keeping the students engaged but it was a short lesson with minimal talking so there wasn't enough to both of us to teach. Both of the classes we went to the second day were engaged and interacting with us and their classmates. It was a great experience overall!

  2. When I was preparing for my lessons to teach at the school I was going over in my head everything that I had wrote in my lesson plan. The night before, Clink told us our classroom placements, mine was a third grade classroom. (I had originally planned for a fourth grade science lesson on soil so I figure, third grade was close enough) However, upon arriving at the school and talking with the director, it was clear that that was not the case. The director had different lessons paired with different classrooms; in short it was a very confusing as to where we were going and which lesson we were to teach. However, we worked it out and each taught our lesson. I was not expecting the school to be as open as it was, but as most things in Costa Rica are open, it made sense. The school had an amazing view of the mountain range in the background and a ton of open windows to see the surrounding scenery. In my classroom I observed for the first twenty minutes before I taught. The kids were out of control. It was the largest classroom in the school, containing 22 kids. The teacher, while she spoke in Spanish, I could tell had very little classroom management skills as she only worked with one student at a time and then yelled at the other kids to keep quite. I was very nervous when it came my turn to teach. While I was teaching the ESL teacher came in to help translate and keep the students speaking and practicing English. Surprisingly, the lesson went really well. I had the students touching and recording fake clay soil, silt soil, and sandy soil. Then feel real soil and record how it felt in comparison to the first soils they touched. I'm sure some of the lesson was lost in translation as their English wasn't fluent and I could speak Spanish, however I think they got the majority of it. After completing my first lesson and getting a lot of compliments on how well I did, I was feeling very confident.

    During my second school visit I was a bit overwhelmed. The first school I taught/visited was a pre-6 school and was not very big. However, the second school was a K-12 school and was much bigger. This school also had a schedule in which we taught. Unlike the other school where we were allowed to observe and teach almost whenever we wanted, we had to be in certain classrooms at certain times. This time, I was asked to perform the same lesson on soil to a group of second graders. I was expecting it to be a little easier than the other school because this school was a bilingual school and most of the other students that I had observed had spoke very good English. As soon as I got to my second grade classroom, the teacher finished her lesson and just left, without even saying anything to me. The ESL teacher stopped by and I asked her if it was ok to just begin teaching. She said yes and before I knew it, it was just me and 11 second graders in a classroom. I began my lesson in English and quickly realized that their English was not very good. As I was teaching I began to slow down and help the children come to easier conclusions. For example, when touching the clay, I asked was it hard or soft. The children knew these words and answered hard. From there I wrote the answer on the bored for the students to copy on their papers. While I had to re-vamp my lesson mid-way, I still enjoyed myself teaching. Once the students got used to me, and I got used to the students, the lesson went very successfully.

    As we continue to teach in the schools I realize that teaching is absolutely what I want to do with the rest of my life. I feel that it comes so naturally to me, even when it's in Spanish. I also feel that if I can teach to students who know very little Spanish, I should be able to teach to American students with little problems.

  3. Reflection #3
    On the way to the schools the first day I was really nervous. I was afraid that the language barrier would make teaching difficult. I arrived and walked into my classroom at 10am but was not scheduled to teach until 11. I observed my class and it was very different than what I was used to. The teacher was sitting the whole time while she taught. When it was my time to teach I introduced myself in Spanish and told them that I would be speaking in English. I had a fifth grade class and I was planning on reviewing graphing and then doing some examples of different types of graphs. I learned that they did not know anything about graphing at all. I taught them the basics and then went into examples. My examples included things they liked such as ice cream and pizza which they loved. When they got to pick the examples for the graphs they felt more a part of the lesson so they were more enthusiastic about participating. They loved being able to be up and moving and write on the board. I was happy to have them do it too.
    On my second day I was more relaxed because I sort of knew what to expect. I was in a third grade classroom and teaching a science lesson. The kids that day were more shy and more reluctant to participate. The lesson was a little rough because of the material I was teaching but they were very respectful. They also loved getting up and moving today as well.
    Leaving the schools was bittersweet because I will miss getting the opportunity to teach these children. It was very interesting to get to know children of another culture and background. I learned how to teach more simplistically. I used the resources I had and the students were so happy to learn no matter what. This experience was very enlightening because I saw how these students were disciplined, how they learned, and how the teachers taught.

    Caroline Gautreau

  4. Teaching in Costa Rica was an experience different from what I could have ever expected. Day 1 I was at the INA School, which was basically a free school for high school graduates to learn English to better themselves in the workplace. Some of the students were older than me. When I first saw them I was intimidated there were students older than me and bigger than me and here I was teaching them a lesson about adding and subtracting integers. I thought they would have no interest and not want to listen to a word of what I had to say, but to my surprise it was completely the opposite. Not only were they engaged in my lesson but also through some language barriers they got what I wanted them to out of it. Aside from teaching my lesson I got to help the other fellows during their lessons and wander the room to check on various groups of students. In the INA school that was my favorite part. I got to talk to the students and help bridge the language barrier and just get to know the students. They were so excited to have us there and listen to what we had to say and were eager to share about themselves as well. After I taught at the INA School I was on fire. I just wanted to keep teaching. I enjoyed every second of it and wish I could have had the whole day to teach and interact with the students. At the INA school I learned that I really loved working with the ESL students and it is definitely something I want to look into when we get back to the States. Not only is there a great need for ESL teachers, but it was something I really enjoyed. The students have a different spark to them and you get to be more animated and hands on trying to make them understand concepts in a language that is more difficult for them. I loved these students and was sad I only got to spend such a short amount of time with them.

    1. Day 2 we went to the Santa Fe Bilingual School. The building was so neat. It was open and children were enjoying themselves around campus. I was assigned to teach a lesson on slope to an 8th grade class. I observed a few classes before my time to teach and the biggest thing I noticed is how much these Costa Rican students value their education. They clearly see how much having an education can drastically change their lives. But while they take it seriously they really know how to have fun too. The students were a little shy to begin with but very eager to participate. They took a great interest in us as guests because we were from the States and they were fascinated with us. They wanted to know everything about America and us. When it was time to teach my lesson I walked into the 8th grade class and they were out of control! I was pretty nervous because there was no classroom management, but I stood tall and talked with a strong voice and quickly got their attention. They caught on to my lesson and some were eager to participate and others (just like 13 year olds in the US) were too cool for school but I was sure to call them out and engage them. When they started to get loud and rowdy I was able to pull them back in and complete my lesson. I really enjoyed the school today and teaching my lesson, but the lack of management and discipline is something I do not foresee in my future class. I want my students to be active and participate, but they need to be focused and respect the authority head when there is learning going on. My favorite thing about the Santa Fe school was that during lunch the 9th and the 10th grade boys had a soccer match that we were able to watch. I think it was like recess time, but they had an organized game with an 11th grader refereeing. The whole school was gathered around cheering for the boys and it was a great game. The skills these boys had were awesome and it was such a fun experience to participate in. The atmosphere was one you could tell was a daily part of the school and it felt like a family. The boys were competitive with one another but in-between dead balls you could see them laughing and talking with one another. The 10th graders ended up winning 3-0 and then everyone walked back to class and proceeded with their daily routine. This school was much like American schools, but even just the soccer game is a great example of the twist of Costa Rican culture in their school day. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and learned a lot about school, the value of education, and reaffirmed my calling and desire to be a teacher.

  5. I was at the primary school and I wasn't too nervous before I went. I have taught PE lessons before so I had the mindset that it would be no different. When I arrived, hardly any of the 2nd graders knew what I was saying. They had trouble with The Human Knot, but the 5th graders at Santa Fe nailed it. They were much older and more fluent in english so that helps. I felt very comfortable teaching even though there was a language barrier. Once the students knew the simple instructions, it was all movement from there. I felt satisfied leaving the schools because my lessons developed really well and all the kids enjoyed it. I was even able to do my lesson with a high school group after math class. I learned that I truly enjoy teaching PE, no matter who my students are. This was a great experience for me.

  6. I had a very positive experience when I visited the schools here in Costa Rica. I gained a lot of confidence in my teaching abilities and I increased my excitement about becoming a teacher. In the first school, the students were pretty shy, mostly because they have only learned English since January so they don't know many ways to describe mathematical situations or what happens in a science experiment. However, I found that in my lesson, where I had them working in groups, I got them to interact a lot. That was encouraging to me because I want to teach that way, so to see it work among students who were a little shy means it should also work among my own students. Then the next day, the students I taught were anything but shy. I used a different lesson, but still had them working in groups and they interacted very well. At first I was a little nervous, but I quickly found that they would listen if I asserted a little authority and they were actually interested in learning even though they weren't required to listen to us for any grades or other purposes. It was a very refreshing experience for me, and it reinforced my desire to teach abroad for a year or two after I graduate. I really appreciate this opportunity to get a little experience in the classrooms while I was here.

  7. If I ever doubted that teaching was my calling in life, the two days of school visits here solidified it. I was not at all nervous about teaching, but I had no idea what to expect from the students or the schools. They definitely were not anything I would have imagined them to be though. In fact, they were much more. The students were ready and willing to learn. They were very attentive during my lessons and, even though they honestly did not like mathematics and bluntly expressed that, I still enjoyed working with them and I think they enjoyed me, too. It was so excited to be able to teach in front of them and their teachers, as well as my peers and some of the administrators that came with us. It helped me grow so much as a teacher and build my confidence in who I am as an educator. I was extremely sad to leave the schools because I enjoyed getting to know the students so much and seeing youth that are actually passionate about their education rather than taking it for granted. It made me realize how passionate I need to be about my education in order to push students to have a desire to learn when I get back to the United States. The schools here were so much more different, but it made me excited to get back home to my students and share my experiences with them and, hopefully, spark an interest in one day studying abroad and encountering something as life-changing as this. I am forever grateful for the experience and I look forward to student teaching abroad in two years! :)

  8. So I was really expecting a one room classroom with a chalkboard and old desks, but I was not prepared for the "classroom" at the top of a gymnasium that was sweltering hot. I was there for maybe ten minutes and already covered in sweat, it was gross. I wasn't nervous to be teaching, I was actually excited. When I started teaching I just got into the rhythm and went with it. My lesson was on making lava lamps with acid-base chemistry. I did not do the demonstration, I let student volunteers do it themselves and gave each student a piece of Alka-Seltzer to add to our mixture of water and oil. When I was finished with the lesson, I was really shocked with the INA professor complimented me on my lesson and told me if he was observing me he would give me a ten because I made sure all my students participated in the lesson and were actively involved. This advice meant a lot coming from not just a teacher, but a Costa Rican teacher at that.
    The second day of teaching at Santa Fe Bilingual school was also interesting. My lesson was on density and how cold water is more dense than hot water and hence will take longer to spread things through it like food coloring. This lesson was not any harder than the lava lamp lesson, but it was harder to teach because the students did not have the English skills the INA students had. I've never really considered how big of a barrier language can actually be, but it was there and it was definitely challenging. However, the challenge was worth it. After rewording my statements a few times and helping the students with their explanations, things got easier. I really enjoyed visiting Santa Fe Bilingual school.
    There has been rumors that maybe by the time we're seniors, there will be a student teaching opportunity in Costa Rica. I would definitely be up for it. Prior to studying abroad, I did not really think student teaching abroad was really very appealing, but after teaching in these Costa Rican schools I believe that it would be such an amazing experience to teach in a different country. All in all, I just can't wait to be a teacher.

  9. The first school visit I was placed at INA Secondary school and I honestly had no idea what to expect web it came to the school visits. I had two lesson plans prepared and I taught on Solar Panels and the uses and impacts they have on the environment. When I arrived at the school it was not at all what I expected, it was in a gym and had about twenty to twenty-five students that were there to solely learn English so that they could broaden their job opportunities and work at a call center. The books that the students were using were English picture books that have definitions of the words equivalent to what our children would use in America, but these students only have six months to learn perfect English. The lesson that I had prepared to teach could have been better because it was more discussion than experimentation. Seeing as how they were just learning English, only the teacher was capable of carrying on the discussion with me. I was really disappointed in how my first lesson went and was determine to make the second one go smoother and be more relative to the Costa Ricans in the classroom.

    The second day we all went to Santa Fe Bilingual school and I was assigned to teach juniors about the transportation systems and how it has evolved over the years and how it has room to improve. I asked them about the railroad system in their country and why it had stopped being used for transporting equipment. These students were really well engaged and eager to learn what I had set out to teach them. I was able to teach the students about evolvements in transportation systems by moving cargo and what the next best thing may be for their country. These students really taught me a lot about teaching and helped me grasp the great feeling that teachers always talk about.

    I was pleased with myself by being able to adjust and not let the first day of teaching get to my head and ruin the second lesson. I showed myself that I am capable of making changes based upon past failures which will help me in my future classroom. Also, the diversity of students was a great experience for me to have so that I will be able to better attend different students from different cultures while I am in front of the classroom. I am really excited to put this practice into use and reflect upon it more after this trip and the next upcoming years that I will be a first year teacher not letting any 'bad' lessons affect possible 'good' ones by reflecting on how to make them more relevant and interactive for my students. This experience has really changed how I will teach in my classroom and has given me a better understanding of diverse students and their leaning preferences.

  10. Kara Hamilton

    Prior to teaching my lesson, I thought that all of the students I would be teaching would be able to speak English so I based both of my lessons off of thinking that. I am an elementary education major and one of my lessons was a first grade activity on germs and the other was a third grade theatre improvisation activity about emotions. The first school I went to I was prepared to teach the first grade lesson on germs. When we arrived, the director told the second thru fifth grade "teachers" that they would have an ESL teacher translating everything for everyone else's lesson plans but she said that I wouldn't need a translator because the first graders would KNOW english. So I entered the classroom thinking I had this great lesson planned out and when I walked in the teacher sat behind her desk so I assumed I would start. When I asked my opening question though, every single one of those ten first graders just stared at me like they had no idea what I was talking about... which they didn't! I asked them in Spanish if they had just understood and they all said no. So I looked at the teacher for help and it seemed like she was reluctant to tell them in Spanish what I was trying to communicate to them in English. Since I got the feeling she didn't want me to keep looking at her for help, I totally had to change my lesson to fit both of our communication needs. It didn't turn out that bad, but it was short and not as extensive I wanted it to be but at least I got to obtain an insight into how I could better fit the needs of children in my own classroom who have trouble understanding the lesson I am trying to teach. I realized that the lesson I have totally planned out will sometimes have to be altered in order for every student to understand the point I am trying to get across.

    The second day was a lot better when we went to the first grade through eleventh grade school because they were taught english in every grade. Thank goodness because it definitely would have been a lot harder to alter my third grade lesson if they had not spoken English. Everything went as planned and I was extremely pleased with how my lesson turned out. It seemed like the students were really trying to understand what I came to teach them and they looked like they enjoyed the lesson which is all that really mattered to me. I was so thankful that I got to have that experience because those kids were so eager to learn and that is how I want to create my classroom environment to be like.

    Kara Hamilton

  11. Prior to my visits to the schools, I expected the schools to be far less advantaged than American schools at face value. However, upon entering the schools, I found many similarities to American schools. (Granted, they were both private schools, but from what I understand, public schools are very similar.) The students seemed to be engaging in similar activities and the schools were adorned with similar decor/bulletin boards. I also expected the students to have little to no English speaking ability. This was true for the lower grades. However, the higher the grade level, the better the English speaking ability of the students. One difference I did notice was the leniency the teachers seemed to give with behavior expectations. I believe it is a cultural difference as a whole, as I noticed this in both schools that I visited. However, if this atmosphere works for them and students are being successful, more power to them. Also, neither of the schools had school counselors, which is something we enjoy in the states. Apparently, the help of counselors can be arranged through partnering with the public schools, but nevertheless, the impact of the service cannot be as great.

    I really enjoyed interacting with the students. I feel that I wasn't as productive in my lesson with the kindergarten students as I was with the older ones, due to the language barrier. Although one of my group members, Maddie, was present and translated some for me with the kindergartners, it did slow the process, and with kindergartners, entertainment must be constant! With the 4th grade and 6th grade students, I feel we made a meaningful connection as Heather and I delivered our lesson on diversity. I shared letters with the students which my 2nd graders had written. They then found similarities and differences between themselves and that American student. The students were interested in us and that made it a lot of fun. Hopefully, the students learned that they share more similarities with Americans than what they may have thought. We are all similar and different in some ways, and that's okay.

    What I learned was really more of a confirmation for me. It was that after being a classroom teacher for 8 years and feeling an urge to change my route, that I still really do have a passion for teaching. Being in a new environment just helped to shake things up for me and gave me that warm, fuzzy feeling that I get when I meet a new group of students for the first time. Although I know I enjoy teaching, working with the same group all day everyday can get monotonous. If I am fortunate enough to obtain a counseling position, I look forward to conducting classroom guidance and touching lives of a wide population of students. If I end up teaching for another year or so, I will be interested in switching grade levels and teaching possibly 4th grade, where I can team teach with another teacher and focus explicitly on Language Arts and Social Studies. This way, I would be working with two classes of students per day. Overall, I feel our school visits in Costa Rica were productive, especially for us, which was the whole purpose of them.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. When made my lesson plan it never crossed my mind that schools in Costa Rica might not be structured the same way that schools in North Carolina are, which is probably why it came as a shock to me when I learned that I was going to the elementary school to teach 6th graders, who I assumed would be a in middle school. As a Middle School Language Arts and Social Studies Education major I have not spent much time at all working with students who are considered in elementary school, but I was excited to see if there would be any differences with these 6th graders who are a part of a K-6 school and the 6th graders in North Carolina who are a part of a 6-8 middle school. To my surprise the 6th graders on my first day of teaching were a lot more confident with answering questions than 6th graders I have seen in NC. After reflecting on this I began to think that the reason they were so much more outgoing was because they were the oldest in the school, unlike 6th graders at home who are the youngest in their school.

    My second day of teaching was a lot different because we all went to a K-11 school, which is something that I have never experienced in the United States. The 6th graders for this lesson were much more shy about sharing their work with me and the rest of their classmates and I figured this also had something to do with their age status in this school, since they were neither the youngest or the oldest group of students at this school, but rather just stuck in the middle.

    After interacting with both groups of 6th graders from different schools I did notice a common similarity – they were both very interested in American culture. They asked me questions about sports, movies, how big my university was, and also how many brothers and sisters I had. As a future educator I believed that I learned so much from working with these students about global education. In my mind I have an idea of how a grade and school is structured, but after visiting this school in Costa Rica I realized that not every school follows the same model and some models work better for individuals schools. I also learned that I can become very interesting when my lessons end early because they didn’t go as planned. On the first day I did not have the problem of my lesson running short because they students were very eager to engage in discussion, but on the second day my lesson lasted about half of the time expected because the students were not so willing to amuse me. To fill the time I told the students a lot about North Carolina since many of them had never heard of it before and they had the opportunity to ask me a lot of questions. Overall, they were a lot more interested in American culture than the Social Studies lesson I had prepared for them, but this only helped me to learn more about their interests and also my own role as an educator.

  14. Before arriving at each of the schools in Costa Rica, I was really unsure of what to expect. I didn’t know what level of learning the students would be on, what subjects they were learning, or even if they enjoyed school at all. Only having experience in an American school system, obviously my views were biased.
    On the first day of the school visits I went to a school called INA. This was a secondary, semi-private school that was similar to what was considered a community college in America. The students here were so adaptive and corporative with each of the lessons taught this day. It was nice to know that they were actually paying attention to what we were doing in the school, especially considering the fact that all the students were learning was English (this is so they could earn a job at a call center or hotel to provide for themselves). The students were so great and interested in America, wanting to learn more. Two of the girls are now my friends on Facebook!
    The second day was a little bit different. The school that we visited was a K-11 school. These students learned more than just English. They had classes in science, art, technology, and so much more. It was amazing to see how the kids interacted with one another and with us as teachers. These kids were so eager to learn, such a nice change as compared to America. Not only did they want to learn, but they were very bright. The eleventh graders at this school were beginning organic chemistry that day, which I haven’t even started as a student in college.
    My lesson that I taught was on the water cycle, something that most kids in America already know once they get to eleventh grade, but I was unsure about those in Costa Rica. It turns out that they did know and my lesson was basically a conversation between me and the class of what they knew and why it was that way. Even though it didn’t take that long, the kids seemed to really enjoy talking with me. It was refreshing once the lesson was over, and after taking a step back, an awesome achievement to teach to a class in Costa Rica.

    Sarah Anderson

  15. Before arriving at the schools I was a little nervous about teaching because I didn’t fully know what to expect. My initial thoughts were that my lessons would be completely useless and irrelevant because there was no way I could speak Spanish the entire time. I figured the students would know some English but I assumed it would be very limited. Although I saw the language barrier as the major problem, I also felt uneasy about the curriculum lining up with my lesson.
    The first day I didn’t get the opportunity to teach a lesson but I was able to help out fellow math teachers. The school we attended was compared with a community college. The ages of the students ranged from around late teens to late 20’s. When I helped out with Brittany’s math lesson, there seemed to be a little confusion. I’m not sure if it was from the language barrier or just because the material was difficult for them to understand but they seemed very willing to try. I did notice, however, that they were extremely shy and I think this was because they were uncomfortable speaking in English. At the end, the students seemed to open up a lot more when we were able to socialize for a little bit. It was interesting how we bonded and laughed about not being able to communicate or learn the other’s language.
    The second day I got to teach a classroom of 9th graders the FOIL method at a private Catholic school. They were very bright students and spoke English extremely well. They were attentive and when I called on them, they answered respectfully. Even though they already knew how to multiply binomials, I felt it was a good experience for me to be able to teach them. I learned that I could perform under pressure and that it is important to maintain control of the classroom regardless of what country you’re in. I also have more respect for students in America that are not native English speakers. I want to take that into consideration while teaching those individuals. I never realized before how valuable it is two be able to communicate with others.

    Tiffany Hales

  16. Maddi Abrams- Reflection #3

    Before arriving at the schools, I was very nervous. I was mostly concerned that the majority of the teachers, faculty, and students would not be able to speak English and thus, communication would be a struggle. I was not initially aware of the fact that we would only be visiting private schools which made a difference in what I would expect. I was not sure what kind of resources the schools would have or what their views are on education. Furthermore, it made me uneasy having to stand up in front of a room full of students I had never met without the slightest idea what they had been learning all year. Although I was nervous, I was also very excited to experience an elementary school in another country.
    The first day I went to Atenas Prescolar and was in a kindergarten classroom. One thing I thought was really neat was that the students can come to school, be in a formal classroom setting, and even begin to learn English at the age of three. One thing I noticed at this school was that they handle classroom management very differently than in North Carolina. The kindergarten teacher gave them plenty of freedom to move around the classroom and they seemed like they were allowed to do whatever they wanted. I noticed the same thing when I went to a couple of other classrooms. There seemed to be a constant amount of noise and often it was not very productive. My lesson went decently well for being the first time I had attempted to teach in Spanish. I was the third person to present to a group of kindergarteners which put me at a disadvantage in terms of behavior. They were excited about having visitors, but they had trouble staying in their seats and giving others a chance to talk. I suppose that is normal for children their age, but I also think the fact that they normally do not appear to be disciplined the same way as American children had an effect. They also may not have been on their best behavior because they were really excited that they knew the material that I was talking about. I was giving them first grade subtraction and they all knew the answers to the problems I was giving them. Another interesting thing I noticed was how enthusiastic the students were about showing off how much English they knew.
    The second day I was in a first grade classroom in the Santa Fe Bilingual School. I thought this school was great because they start learning English at such an early age. I also thought the teachers at this school were more welcoming. Again, I was the second person in the room to teach a lesson to the students so I think this made them a little more restless. Apparently I also began my lesson right when lunch was supposed to start which made things worse. However, my teacher informed me that there were a lot of students in the class with ADD and ADHD. I did another lesson on subtraction to see how it would go with slightly older students. Again, I began in Spanish and the students got really excited about coming up to the board and actively participating. However, they would also jump up out of their seats or shout out the answers. I do believe it was because they could not hold back their enthusiasm, but I do not think I would allow these sort of interruptions in my classroom. They enjoyed getting to write on the board and responding to questions, but some of them pouted or complained if they were not called on immediately. My students were sweet, their behavior was just a bit different than what I am used to. Once again, the students wanted to practice and show off whatever amount of English they had learned so far. It was funny too because they wanted to practice their English with me while I wanted to use my Spanish in front of them. Although these two schools were very different than what I am used to, they were both great experiences and I am glad that we got an opportunity to participate in another country’s education system.

  17. Mary Jo Schools blog

    prior to seeing the schools I expected it to be much like the homes I had been in, a little rough looking on the outside, but beautiful inside and filled with bugs. I had also noticed as we passed schools throughout our travels that students were in uniforms so I associated this with the structure of private and charter schools that I see at home. Lastly, I expected the schools to have strong arts programs because of how well the country accepted the arts apparent in their graffiti, music, and culture. I also expected my lessons to go over well because, though I can't speak Spanish very well, math is easy to understand despite lack of expertise in another language.
    The first school we went to was the INA school, which was a free school for anyone out of grade school. Essentially it was a free community college but strictly for learning English. This program also provided the students with an "allowance" to pay for transportation, clothes, food, or any other necessities such as health care. The young man who instructed this particular class of less than 25 told us that he saved most of his money given to him when he was in the program to start his own business. This particular program was created because it was apparent that the better paying jobs required or desired people who spoke English. If I remember correctly, the students had nine months in this program, which by the way is a much more intense program than any high school secondary language class, which is where most of our group learned Spanish.
    In this school Margaret and I "co-taught" a lesson about surface area using cans intended for students to manipulate and discover that they can formulate an equation for the surface area of a cylinder by adding the areas of the shapes that made up the cylinder. Overall the lesson was successful, but I found that students struggled with the concept without numbers given to them such as the diameter of the base of the can or the heigh of the cylinder.
    The second school we visited I actually never taught the lesson I had prepared. I actually wondered from class to class and found myself joining in with other people's lessons and connecting with the students. Wow, those students were inspiring. It was remarkable their interest in the concepts we were showing them, in being challenged, in learning about us and about our culture. It was truly amazing. A joke throughout the trip with some of us was a list of reasons why we would want to stay in Costa Rica longer and we hadn't found anything until we met those students. When Mr. Clinkscales asked how many of us were interested in student teaching here nearly all of us raised our hands. Those students reminded me of how I want my classroom to look, and I am truly thankful for it.

  18. On the way to the INA secondary school on May 21st, I felt more excited than anxious or worried. By traveling throughout Costa Rica for a week prior to teaching, I had already learned that teachers are highly valued and respected in Costa Rica, so I expected a warm reception from the students and faculty. What I did not expect, however, was the eagerness to learn the students displayed as we began to interact with them. One of my first thoughts as I participated in and witnessed our interactions was that students in the United States do not value the right to a free public education like these Costa Rican students do. Then I thought that maybe the students were so eager to learn because they were older (17 years and up) than the students I have interacted with in American public schools. That hypothesis was disproved the following day when we visited Santa Fe Bilingual School. I wandered from classroom to classroom, observing 2nd- 11th grade students interacting with Teaching Fellows, then I taught my own lesson to a class of 7th graders. Each class I observed, regardless of age, was just as enthusiastic and carried an equally optimistic disposition about learning as the students at INA secondary school. Students in both schools were very receptive, engaged, and provided meaningful input to class discussions in attempts to build off of one another’s knowledge and construct a greater understanding of the concept being discussed. Interacting with the students rejuvenated my passion for teaching (it was the first lesson I’ve taught to a class of students in several months) and I had a lot of fun seeing students’ eyes widen and their mouth’s pop open into “Ahhh!”s as they understood a new piece of information. To sum it up into one word, I felt appreciated while teaching the students.
    While realizing how much more students appreciate me as a teacher in Costa Rica makes me concerned about the perception of schools and learning in America, I am willing to approach it as a challenge to help our American students realize how fortunate they are to receive free public education, and hopefully I can create a similarly enthusiastic environment among my own classroom

  19. I felt extremely nervous when it came to teaching in the schools. I think it was because of the language barrier. My students could not speak english either day. I made a mistake and forgot that they didn't know a lot of english and was using words that they hadn't learned yet. Other than that I found being in the schools fun and interesting. It was really cool getting to talk to the high school students about their school days and just getting to know them. We had a lot in common and they were just like I was when I was in high school. I had so much fun teaching my students and seeing how much the students in Costa Rica enjoyed learning about us. They have a lot of respect for their teachers. They found us fascinating. It was a great experience to be able to see how it feels to be the minority. Teaching in a country where you don't know the language can be extremely challenging. I found it awesome and a life learning experience.
